Danowsky, Brian2015-09-082015-09-082014-11-23https://hdl.handle.net/11299/174380Modal Isolation and Damping for Adaptive Aeroservoelastic Suppression (MIDAAS) was applied to the BFF model at various flight conditions. All available control surfaces were used with nine sensors. MIDAAS synthesis produces a gain matrix feeding back all outputs to all inputs. Using these inputs and outputs, the resulting gain matrix is 9 by 8. Solutions were obtained for 3 different flight conditions (42, 44, and 50 knots). For each flight condition, a solution was obtained for two models, 1) bare airframe dynamics and 2) full system dynamics including bare airframe, actuator and sensor dynamics.enModal Isolation and Damping for Adaptive Aeroservoelastic SuppressionMIDAASControl Law SynthesisAeroelasticApplication of MIDAAS to BFF ModelsWorking Paper