Intoy, Ben Frederick MWynveen, AaronHalley, J Woods2022-06-272022-06-272022-06-27 txt files contain space separated values, headers, and some contain descriptions of data. The python script files (*.py) ingest the txt data files and some calculate statistical errors and export more txt data files while other python scripts generate figures/plots. The GNUPlot script files (*.gnuplot) ingest txt data files and generate figures seen in the referenced 2016 PRE publication.This dataset contains data used to create the figures in the publication Intoy, B. F., A. Wynveen, and J. W. Halley. "Effects of spatial diffusion on nonequilibrium steady states in a model for prebiotic evolution." Physical Review E 94.4 (2016): 042424. This data set also contains extra data not presented in the publication.Attribution 3.0 United States physicsEffects of spatial diffusion on nonequilibrium steady states in a model for prebiotic evolution Figure DataDataset