Students in FNRM 51012017-03-082017-03-082015 completed by students enrolled in FNRM 5101: Park and Protected Area Tourism, taught by Dr. Ingrid Schneider in fall 2015.This project was completed as part of the 2015-2016 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with Carver County. Carver County Water Management Organization is evaluating the removal of a dam along the Crow River in Watertown, and replacing the dam with an engineered whitewater recreation area, aimed at encouraging more kayak and rafting tourism. Project lead Paul Moline worked with students in FNRM 5101: Park and Protected Area Tourism, to analyze the potential social, economic, and environmental impacts of a whitewater recreation facility on the Crow River near downtown Watertown. The students' final report is available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentCarver Countydam removaltourismCarver County Projects, 2015-2016Summary and Integrated Impact Assessment for Watertown Whitewater Recreation OpportunityReport