Carlson, Peter2023-08-172023-08-172023 advisor: Dr. Jason GoodpasterSingle-molecule magnets (SMMs) are a group of large metallo-organic compounds that exhibit superparamagnetic behavior below a specific magnetic blocking temperature (~4K). Their unique molecular symmetry and spin configuration induce magnetic hysteresis, making them ideal for compact and information-dense qubit storage in quantum computing1. Of particular interest are a set of dysprosium(III) metallocenium single-ion molecular magnets, [Dy(CpiPr4R)2][B(C6F5)4] which exhibit very large magnetic blocking temperatures, ranging from 20K-70K, and differ only in their choice of functional group R2. Computationally investigating the spin states of these molecules may provide insight into their magnetic properties and high blocking temperatures.enMagnetic spin state characterization of dysprosium(III) metallocenium single-ion molecular magnets using density-functional theoryPresentation