Jones, Anita K.2016-04-152016-04-152015-06-24Anita K. Jones, OH 476. Oral history interview by Jeffrey R. Yost, 24 June 2015, Charlottesville, Virginia. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.OH 476, 103 pp.Computer security pioneer Antia K. Jones briefly discusses her undergraduate education at Rice University and work at IBM. The bulk of the interview concentrates on her graduate education at Carnegie Mellon University and her career as a computer scientist. This includes the discussion of capabilities (a mechanism for implementing naming and security), the HYDRA Kernel, the Take-Grant model, various research collaborations, serving as a faculty member at CMU, co-founding and helping to lead Tartan Laboratories, chairing the Computer Science Department at University of Virginia, serving as the Director of DDR&E, gender and computer science, and digital humanities. Professor William A. Wulf also participates in this interview. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1116862, “Building an Infrastructure for Computer Security History.”enCC0 1.0 Universal historyComputer securityHYDRAC.mmp (C-dot)Director of Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E)CapabilitiesTake-Grant ModelCarnegie-Mellon UniversityUniversity of VirginiaTartan LaboratoriesTCSEC (The Orange Book)Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC)Digital humanitiesOral history interview with Anita K. JonesOral History