Heine, John JHauck, Steven A2017-06-162017-06-161988-01https://hdl.handle.net/11299/188490The Wrenshall, Minnesota area has a long history of clay production and it appears there are still abundant clay resources remaining in the area. Wrenshall is located eight miles southeast of Cloquet, Minnesota, and 20 miles southwest of Duluth, Minnesota . The production period in the Wrenshall area was 1882-1953, and the products produced were primarily brick and clay tiles. Because of the productive history and the potential resource available, the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI) of UMD became involved in a study to determine the feasibility of using Wrenshall clays in the manufacturing of clay products. This study includes the determination of the physical and chemical properties of Wrenshall clays, the development of a clay products inventory, and a products-property match analysis. The objective of NRRI's study is to aid the development of a viable clay products industry in the Wrenshall area. This report describes some initial results, provides a preliminary assessment of Wrenshall clays and outlines a plan for further study .enPhysical properties of claysChemical properties of claysClay productsHistory of clay productionBricksNatural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthPreliminary Assessment of the Industrial Clays at Wrenshall, MinnesotaNatural Resources Research Institute Technical ReportTechnical Report