Farrell, Thomas2023-07-232023-07-232023-07This version has not been published previously.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/255404See the above abstract.In my 5,000-word review essay "Michael Czerny and Christian Barone's 2022 Book about Pope Francis, and Walter J. Ong's Thought," I primarily highlight their 2022 book Siblings All, Sign of the Times: The Social Teaching of Pope Francis, translated by Julian Paparelli (Orbis Books; orig. Italian ed., 2021). Their book is primarily about Pope Francis' visionary 2020 encyclical letter "Fratelli Tutti" (Latin for "Siblings All") -- which I briefly outline. I also briefly outline and highlight the 2023 Vatican document "Towards Full Presence: A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media" -- which is based on Pope Francis' visionary thought. In addition, from time to time, I interject relevant highlights of the perceptive thought of the American Jesuit Renaissance specialist, cultural historian, and pioneering media ecology theorist Walter J. Ong (1912-2003; Ph.D. in English, Harvard University, 1955).enPope Francis, Michael Czerny, Christian Barone, Walter J. OngMichael Czerny and Christian Barone's 2022 Book about Pope Francis, and Walter J. Ong's ThoughtScholarly Text or Essay