Sikkink, KathrynTilman, David2007-07-102007-07-102005-12-12 task force's mission was to "[c]reate a new campus-wide undergraduate honors program to attract to the University students of high caliber who otherwise might not have given the University serious consideration and to allow these students the freedom to pursue their interests in any undergraduate college of the University."In addition to offering generous and creative scholarships, we must build on our current successes to develop a unified, challenging, and exciting honors program that provides and highlights smaller class sizes, greater one-on-one interactions with faculty, and individual mentoring of Honors Scholars by faculty. If we do so, we believe that we will attract not only the excellent students currently served in our programs, but also the students of equal or greater potential who now do not choose the University of Minnesota.en-USrecruitingundergraduateTransforming the University: Preliminary Recommendations of the Task Force on Undergraduate Reform: HonorsReport