Huang, Shih-HsunYang, Judy Q2024-06-172024-06-172024-06-17 investigate the impact of two in-line logs on the surface and hyporheic flow, we conducted experiments with logs with different center-to-center distances, the distances of the log from the sediment bed, and the flow rates. The data for each case includes water surface profiles, surface flow velocity measurements, and hyporheic flow velocity measurements using dye visualization.We conducted flume experiments to study how two in-line channel-spanning logs affect surface flow and hyporheic flow in a channel. The dataset comprises data and results obtained from measurements of water surface elevation profiles, particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements, and visualizations of fluorescent dye transport in the sediment bed around the channel-spanning log. The Matlab scripts used to process the data are also included.CC0 1.0 Universal woodHyporheic flowChannel-spanning logExperimental data of the log-induced hyporheic flow experiment in the 6-inch flume of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory in 2023Dataset