Lindner, Judith A.2016-12-192016-12-192015-12-14Judith A. Lindner, OH 487. Oral history interview by Thomas J. Misa, 14 December 2015. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.OH 487, 39 pp.Judith Lindner graduated from Northern Illinois University in 1968 with a degree in mathematics. Taking a job at Bell Laboratories in Naperville, Illinois, she worked initially in a computer-aided design group, doing assembly-language programming, and then in managerial positions including merit review and team recruitment. The interview describes Bell’s affirmative action committees and workshops as well as its distinctive corporate culture. This material is based on work funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation award B2014-07 “Tripling Women’s Participation in Computing (1965-1985).”enComputer historyWomen's historyGenderNorthern Illinois UniversityBell Telephone Laboratories, inc.Bell LabsAffirmative actionWomen’s movementSenior Technical Aide (STA)Role modelAlfred P. Sloan FoundationOral history interview with Judith A. LindnerOral History