University of Minnesota, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies2017-09-122017-09-122017 2017 Includes: From the Director, Short Survey, CHGS Launches New Website, Upcoming Spring Events: Tour of Bdote, International Symposium, Comparative Genocide Studies and the Holocaust, Philip Spencer Book Release "Antisemitism and the Left: The REturn of the Jewish Question," [Re]Telling: Holocaust Art, Screening of "Nous avons bu la même eau" ("We Drank the Same Water") with Director Serge Avedikian, Conveying the Unspeakable: Art and the History Museum, and Teaching the Holocaust through Art, CHGS Blog and YouTube New Releases, Meet CHGS Student Workers, UMN News and Events, and Community Events.enCHGS Newsletter - March/April 2017Newsletter or Bulletin