Walls, Michael L.2015-05-012015-05-012015https://hdl.handle.net/11299/172108This Note will address major flood management issues in the Red River Basin (RRB) that continue to cause disagreement between RRB stakeholders. This Note focuses on the RRB because it provides an excellent case study for comparing government decision-making in response to frequent flood events. The RRB contextualizes major flaws in comprehensive floodplain management noted by scholars, lawyers, scientists, and those critical of the Corps’ planning process. Disagreement over the massive Fargo-Moorhead Flood Diversion Project (Diversion project) underway in the RRB captures much of the discord currently plaguing the Corps’ interstate flood management strategies.enThe Army Corps of Engineers: Comprehensive Floodwater Retention in the Red River Basin and the Fargo-Moorhead Flood Diversion ProjectArticle