McQuillan, PatrickNordin, AndrewOtto, MarkLawson, Ashley2019-10-082019-10-082018-08 paper for the fulfillment of the Master of Public Affairs degree.Youth accessing Hennepin County services face many challenges when transitioning from child to adult services in the county. While law recognizes adulthood beginning at age 18, research shows that “the developing brain does not reach full maturity until a person is approximately 26 years of age” (Arnett, 2007, p. 69). During this tumultuous time, many youth accessing services within Hennepin County are required to take responsibility for navigating the complex systems between youth and adulthood. Many gaps in service appear, including those related to and caused by legislative cliffs. The capstone team’s research was focused on answering three key question for three service disciplines in Hennepin County, Minnesota – foster care, juvenile justice, and youth with disabilities: What are the legislative cliffs for youth transitioning to adulthood in Hennepin County? What are some successful examples of programs that smooth out the cliffs? What are other possible approaches to help youth in transition?enBuilding Hallways for Transitioning Youth in Hennepin CountyBuilding Hallways for Transitioning Youth in Hennepin CountyThesis or Dissertation