Farrell, Thomas2024-04-092024-04-092024-04This version has not been published previously.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/262103See the above abstract.In my wide-ranging 8,100-word review essay "Walter Ong's 1981 Book, Judith Butler's 2024 Book, and the Vatican's 2024 Declaration on Gender Theory," I highlight (1) the American Jesuit Walter Ong's 1981 book Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality [Gender], and Consciousness (Cornell University Press), the expanded version of Ong's 1979 Messenger Lectures at Cornell University; (2) Berkeley's leftist Judith Butler's new 2024 book Who's Afraid of Gender? (Farrar, Straus and Giroux); and (3) the Vatican's new 2024 Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith titled "Dignatis Infinita; on Human Dignity." In addition, I highlight the NCR Vatican correspondent Christopher White's NCR news report about the new Vatican document.enPope Francis, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, Walter Ong, Judith Butler, Anna Rowlands, Christopher WhiteWalter Ong's 1981 Book, Judith Butler's 2024 Book, and the Vatican's 2024 Declaration on Gender TheoryScholarly Text or Essay