Neuhauser, ClaudiaBates, FrankBernlohr, David2008-02-012008-02-012006-05-05 (final report and executive summary) providing recommendations to improve College of Biological Sciences, Institute of Technology and Medical School services by a variety of changes in collaboration between departments, teaching and research initiatives.Advances in the biological sciences will transform the physical sciences, engineering, biomedical research, agriculture, and the environmental sciences. Critical to this transformation are strong connections between biology and the physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The University of Minnesota seeks to be a leader in promoting these new connections among the sciences, engineering, and related disciplines. This task force concluded that the sciences and engineering at the University of Minnesota have a unique structure that is progressive and ideally suited for greater collaboration across department boundaries. Therefore, we find no reason to recommend change to the current organizational structure of IT or CBS.en-USteachingeducationresearchTransforming the University: Final Recommendations of the College Design: Science/Engineering Task ForceReport