Prediger, Dale J.2011-01-062011-01-061977Prediger, Dale J. (1977). Alternatives for validating interest inventories against group membership criteria. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1, 275-280. doi:10.1177/014662167700100215doi:10.1177/014662167700100215 inventories are frequently validated against group membership criteria. Two approaches are considered, only one of which is commonly used. The choice between the two approaches depends on the application being validated. The first and most common approach assumes that interest inventories are to be used in predicting which occupation counselees will enter or prefer. The second assumes that interest inventories are to be used in suggesting occupations for counselees to consider on the basis of compatibility of interests. Validation of these two uses of interest inventories requires different treatment of criterion group base rates. As illustrated by data drawn from a published study, the two approaches to validation can produce substantial differences in criterion group hit rates. Such differences may be found in any study validating group membership predictions if criterion group sizes vary greatly.enAlternatives for validating interest inventories against group membership criteriaArticle