Gaff, Scott2011-06-102011-06-102002-07-17Scott Gaff, OH 359. Oral history interview by Karin Matchett, 17 July 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 359, 68 pp.In this interview Scott Gaff, formerly of Lamb & Company, discusses a wide variety of subjects in computer graphics history. Gaff recounts his education and work experience at the University of Minnesota, and his testing of TERAK, Evans & Sutherland PS-300, and voice recognition CAD/CAM systems. Gaff describes his brief stint in 1984-1985 at the failed Minneapolis company Mainframe Productions—which specialized in graphics for television commercials—and rendering and other technical work on Silicon Graphics (SGI) workstations and PCs running Wavefront software at Minneapolis-based animation firm Lamb & Company between 1986 and 2001.en-USComputer historyMainframe Productions (Minneapolis, Minn.)Lamb & Company.Computer software industry -- United States -- History.Computer graphics -- History.Computer animation -- History.CAD/CAM systems -- History.Bajus-Jones Film Corporation.Oral History Interview with Scott GaffOral History