Nurie, Kadiro2015-05-042015-05-042015-04-30 containing compounds play vital roles in various aspects of biology ( enzymatic activity, controlling cellular redox state), protein and peptide chemisty ( e.g. protein and peptide folding, native chemical ligation).One of the main efforts in the area of drug delivery is to release controlled amount of drug in specific location inside the body where the drug is supposed to affect certain target receptors or cells. The goal of this research project was to synthesize a photo-caged transferase inhibitor (FTI), which is a potential cancer drug. To accomplish this project, nitrodibenzofuran was synthesized as a PPG in order to mask the FTI via attachment to the thiol functionally of the drug. Before working with actual inhibitor, NBDF was synthesized and used for caging cysteamine as a model thiol containing molecule. The goal is to study the photolysis of NDBF-cysteamine via UV and IR irradiation.encaging, thiol model, inhibitor, NBDFDevelopment of light- activatable farnesyltransferase inhibitorPresentation