Marroquin, Lizeth2019-06-192019-06-192013 corridors are “not only conduits to move people, freight but also to improve a region’s economy and build more livable communities” (Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota). They may become a catalyst to improve neighborhoods, and strengthen local business. The Corridors of Opportunity project aims to create “sustainable, vibrant, and healthy communities through development and revitalization along the transit corridors”. Funding for the Corridors of Opportunity is about $21 million and comes from grants and loans from the Living Cities Integration Initiative and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The objective of this paper is to provide an assessment on the impact of Corridors of Opportunity on the Latino population living around the corridors. Developing and sharing an understanding about what is at stake can lead to creating solutions and organizing the community.enCorridors to Freedom, Action Research for EmancipationReport