University of Minnesota Duluth. American Indian Learning Resource Center2023-05-302023-05-302023 17; 10am to 3pm; UMD Bagley Nature Area/Rock Pond; Free, and open to the public!Brought by Wayne Valliere, Sr., and Culture Team; Gooniikaa-Ginebig Snow Snake, Dakobijigan-Minawa Zhiimaagan Hoop & Spear, Apaginaatig Atlatl; Furs and traps demonstrating by Great Lakes Intertribal Fish & Wildlife Commission; Lunch provided at NoonenPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthAmerican Indian Learning Resource CenterOffice of SustainabilitySwenson College of Science and EngineeringIndigenous Student OrganizationRecreational Sports Outdoor ProgramOjibwe Winter Games (2023-02-17)Other