Musa, MirkoHill, CraigSotiropoulos, FotisGuala, Michele2019-06-262019-06-262019-06-26 see Readme files included in every data folder.The data represent sediment flux, spatio-temporally resolved topographic scans, flow velocity and voltage from the hydrokinetic turbine array experiments presented in the referenced scientific article published on Nature Energy (see reference). Hydrokinetic Energy represents a viable source of renewable energy that harness the kinetic energy of natural currents. Our experiments show that this technology can be deployed efficiently in large sandy rivers (e.g. Mississippi River), without compromising the geomorphic equilibrium of the stream and the structural safety of the turbine foundation, even in the presence of large migrating dunes.CC0 1.0 Universalhydrokinetic energyMHKsediment transportriver morphodynamicsturbine arrayenvironmental impactshydraulic engineeringScaled Hydrokinetic Turbine Array installed in a laboratory channel and flood-like sediment transport conditions: topography, flow velocity and array model performanceDataset