Soldner, Thomas M.2012-12-102012-12-102012-07 of Minnesota M.S. thesis. July 2012. Major: Electrical and computer engineering. Advisor: Dr. Hua Tang. 1 computer file (PDF); v, 55 pages.PLL-based frequency synthesis is a common method for developing highly stable oscillators.The need for this type of synthesizer that can operate at non-integer multiples of a reference oscillator is growing. Delta-sigma modulators used to control the division ratio in PLL-based fractional-N frequency synthesizers help to meet the growing need for synthesizers operating at non-integer multiples. A PLLbased fractional-N frequency synthesizer using a delta-sigma modulator to control the division ratio was analyzed at the system level and implemented at transistor level. The system level analysis consisted of understanding the effect of the deltasigma modulator on spurious tone reduction in the synthesizer output. Circuit blocks were then designed individually at transistor level. Results of the delta-sigma output and the overall synthesizer were then discussed. The synthesizer achieved a start-up speed of 4sec. The in-band phase noise performance was -82 dBc/Hz at 3 MHzoffset from the carrier.en-USElectrical and computer engineeringDesign of a Delta-sigma fractional-N PLL frequency synthesizer at 1.43GHzThesis or Dissertation