Grider, BennettMonday, AngiraSmith, Andrew2018-10-082018-10-082018, poster, and presentation completed by students enrolled in GEOG 5564: Urban Geographic Information Science and Analysis, taught by Dr. Ying Song in spring 2018.This project was completed as part of a year-long partnership between the City of Ramsey and the University of Minnesota's Resilient Communities Project ( The goal of this project was to provide a floodplain delineation data model for approximate flood zones in the City of Ramsey using ArcGIS. Ramsey project lead Bruce Westby collaborated with a team of students in Dr. Ying Song's GEOG 5564 course to study flood zones in Ramsey and map them using GIS. A final student report, PowerPoint presentation, and poster are available.enRamseysustainabilitylocal governmentCity of Ramsey Projects, 2017-2018Floodplain Modeling and Mapping with GISPresentation