Magruder, BenjaminEllison, ChristopherDorfman, Kevin2024-08-082024-08-082024-08-08 PSCF software package (C++ version) was used to generate this dataset ( See software documentation for description of input and output files. The README file included with this data upload contains an in-depth description of the directory structure and the general organization of this data set. The manuscript in the Journal of Chemical Physics contains a physical description of the systems studied in this data set, including motivations and interpretation of the results.The dataset contains the results of thin-film self-consistent field theory calculations for the double-gyroid phase and other related phases in AB diblock polymers. All results used to construct the figures in the referenced manuscript are included in this dataset, along with many of the scripts used to perform the analysis in the manuscript. To reduce the size of the dataset, we opted to include only the first and last field file in each parameter sweep, though we kept the corresponding summary file at every state point in every sweep, and included all necessary input files to regenerate the data if desired. The PSCF software package (C++ version) was used to generate this dataset ( 1.0 Universal field theoryblock polymer self-assemblydouble gyroidpolymer thin filmData for Equilibrium Phase Behavior of Gyroid-Forming Diblock Polymer Thin FilmsDataset