Hwang, Geumchan2015-11-062015-11-062015-07https://hdl.handle.net/11299/175187University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. July 2015 .Major: Kinesiology. Advisor: Lisa Kihl. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 181 pages.Intercollegiate athletic departments are relying more on fundraising revenues through donations to cover increasing operating costs. However, there have been no effective strategies through CSR activities to attract college sport fans' online donation intentions. This study examined strategic CSR initiatives in intercollegiate sports. The study was conducted in the form of two sub-studies to students, faculty/staff, alumni, and local resident fans of the University of Minnesota. The first study examined how CSR initiatives through the official athletic site affected fans' online donation intentions in the form of online survey. Study one results revealed 1) information quality of CSR initiatives through the official athletic site affected fans' e-satisfaction with CSR initiatives; 2) fans' e-satisfaction with CSR initiatives affected fans' identification with the athletic department, attachment to the university, and fans' online donation intentions; and 3) ease of donation, utility satisfaction, and receiving services affected fans' online donation intentions. Study two examined how fans' online donation intentions were different according to type of CSR initiatives (fan participatory / information delivery) and media (social media / traditional media) in the form of experimental survey. Study two results demonstrated using fan participatory CSR initiatives had a greater effect on a fan's online donation intention to the athletic department than using information delivery CSR initiatives. In the case of media, communicating CSR initiatives through social media had a greater effect on a fan's online donation intention than communicating CSR initiatives through traditional media.enathletic departmentCorporate Social Responsibilityonline donationsocial mediaStrategic Corporate Social Responsibility and Online Donation in Intercollegiate SportsThesis or Dissertation