Hayford Oleary, SeanLampe, JosephOsendorf, TaraWardoku, MariaBai, ShunhuaHoward, Kurt2017-03-062017-03-062016https://hdl.handle.net/11299/184830Report and presentation completed by students enrolled in PA 5232/CEGE 5212: Transportation Policy, Planning, and Deployment, taught by Andrew Guthrie in fall 2016.This project was completed as part of the 2016-2017 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Brooklyn Park. The Blue Line Light Rail extension is expected to reach Brooklyn Park by 2021. Brooklyn Park wanted to investigate shared-use mobility as a means of expanding access to light rail for those without regular access to a personal automobile. The goal of this project was to determine current public transit usage, potential bicycle and pedestrian routes, and access to credit cards and smart phones, both of which are necessary to use many shared-use mobility options. Brooklyn Park project lead Emily Carr worked with a team of students in PA 5232/CEGE 5212: Transportation Policy, Planning, and Development, who developed an interactive website, report, and presentation for Brooklyn Park outlining current conditions in the city. The students' final report and presentation are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentBrooklyn ParkmobilitytransportationBrooklyn Park Projects, 2016-2017Shared-Use Mobility Possibilities in Brooklyn Park: Public DataPresentation