University of Minnesota Duluth. Department of EnglishDentinger, HannahBerger, LindsayRichner, AaronHorton, LisaCenter, Sara MCirilli, JohnSullivan, Jennifer2023-11-152023-11-152007 booklet contains a list of the Jankofsky Lectures (2000-2007) and the full text of the winning essays from the Jankofsky Essay Competition (2001-2007), along with information about Klaus P. Jankofsky and the Klaus P. Jankofsky Fund for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. A list of the winning essays is as follows: "Trouthe in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale and Clerk 's Tale" (Hannah Dentinger); "Renaissance Hero or Damned Sinner? Characterization and Authorship in the A- and B- Texts of Doctor Faustus" (Lindsay Berger); "Chastity and Charity: Spiritual Growth in Milton's Camus" (Aaron Richner); "The Pearl Among the Jewels: Lapidary Imagery and the Vision of the New Jerusalem in Pearl" (Lisa Horton); "Long Live the King: Historical Relevance of Quarto Editions of Hamlet (1.1)" (Sara M. Center); "The Superior Jesuit: Matteo Ricci, Confucius, and Christ Uncrucified" (John Cirilli); and "The Duchess's Avatar" (Jennifer Sullivan).enJankofsky essaysUniversity of Minnesota DuluthCollege of Liberal ArtsDepartment of EnglishJankofsky Lecture Series & Essay Competition (2000-2007)Scholarly Text or Essay