Bonine, L. Lelaine2012-12-202012-12-202012-10 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. October 2012. Major: English. Advisor: Jani Scandura. 1 computer file (PDF); iv, 211 pages.This dissertation investigates the definition of film as an indexical sign. It argues against such a definition, alleging that it is not only logically unsound, but harmful to practical applications of fandom and cinephilia. Chapter 1, therefore, attempts to unseat the index. Chapter 2 investigates the repercussions of the indexical definition on the practice of cinephilic pilgrimage. Chapter 3 examines fan fiction as an alternative practical application of fandom, existing exclusive of the index. And chapter 4 examines social cinephilia and celebratory viewing practices as the ultimate alternative satisfaction.en-USCinephiliaFandomHitchcockIndexReel consequences: chasing the trace, leaving it behindThesis or Dissertation