Haehn, Missy2010-10-292010-10-292010-10-29https://hdl.handle.net/11299/95880The information provided in this handout does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Minnesota Medical School physicians and faculty. These materials are provided for informational purposes only and are in no way intended to take the place of the advice and recommendations of your personal health care provider. You use the information provided in these handouts at your own risk.Vitamin D is known to have direct effects on muscle strength and can improve strength, function, and balance in elderly individuals. Supplementation of 700-1000 IU Vitamin D in individuals over age 65 has been shown to decrease falls by 19%. This effect is present within 2-5 months of treatment and lasts 12 months after cessation of treatment.en-USVitamin DFallsElderlyPreventing Falls with Vitamin DOther