Storksdieck, MartinHeimlich, JoeFigueriredo, ClaudiaCarlson, Stephan2015-05-282015-05-282008-08Storksdieck, M., Heimlich, J., Figueriredo, C., and Carlson, S. (2008). Best Practices for Field Days: Environmental Field Days Assessment Tool: Reliability Study. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension Service. archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: Environmental Field Day Observation Tool (the Tool) was tested for reliability under two conditions: (1) As original Tool during the Sauk RiverWater Festival, a traditional Environmental Field Day in Minnesota; and (2) a modified version of the Tool, with fewer items, at the Marine ExplorationWeekend, a .special event for family visitors at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, WA. The Sauk RiverWater Festival represents a traditional Field Day insofar as groups of students (representing a class of about 20 students with at least one teacher and normally one or more chaperones) move together from station to station. These groups can be observed together over the course of the Field Day. The SaukWater Festival was held in the summer of 2008.enfield daysassessment toolreliability studyobservationBest Practices for Field Days: Environmental Field Days Assessment Tool: Reliability StudyArticle