Tolo, Isaiah2021-12-132021-12-132021-12-13 is a singe xcel file containing several tabs of disease trial data. Tab has a single row of header with sortable data below.Pathogens are the primary limitation to aquaculture production of fish and a major issue in consideration of the interface between cultured and wild populations of fishes worldwide. While rapid spread of fish pathogens between populations (wild or farmed) is generally anthropogenic and the result of trade, the mechanisms of transmission once a pathogen has been introduced to a fish population are not well understood. The most widespread pathogen impacting both aquaculture and wild populations of common carp (Cyprinus carpio, carp) is Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). To understand how CyHV-3 is transmitted in a population we conducted a series of infection trials, designed to determine the kinetics CyHV-3 infections, identify the contributions of direct and indirect forms of CyHV-3 transmission, and to determine the contributions of contact rate, viral load, pathogenicity, and contact type. We found that direct contact between fish was the primary mechanism of CyHV-3 transmission rather than transmission through contaminated water. Additionally, CyHV-3 transmission occurred primarily during the incubation period of CyHV-3, prior to the appearance of disease signs and disease-associated reduction in contact rate.CC0 1.0 Universal herpesvirus 2Koi herpesvirusdisease transmissionInvestigation of cyprinid herpes virus 3 (CyHV-3) disease periods and factors influencing CyHV-3 transmission in a low stocking density infection trialDataset