Bryan, Roy Jr2009-09-182009-09-182009-09-18 information provided in this handout does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Minnesota Medical School physicians and faculty. These materials are provided for informational purposes only and are in no way intended to take the place of the advice and recommendations of your personal health care provider. You use the information provided in these handouts at your own risk.Shingles is a painful rash that develops in older patients due to reactivation of the Varicella Zoster virus that already present in the body. The rash usually resolves in 2-3 weeks; however, some unfortunate patients have persistent pain at the sight of the rash. This pamphlet describes the initial symptoms of Shingles and describes the treatment to try and reduce the occurrence of lasting, residual pain.en-USShinglespostherpetic neuralgiapostherpetic painHerpes ZosterShingles: Diagnosis and TreatmentOther