University of Minnesota: Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics and LawKirtley, Jane E.Memmel, ScottAnderson, JonathanWiley, SarahHargrove, Elaine2020-06-102020-06-102020-06 publication of the Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics and Law, School of Journalism and Mass Communication.The Silha Bulletin is the newletter of the Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics and Law, published three times a year.enMass mediaLaw and legislationMedia ethicsFreedom of SpeechFirst AmendmentMinneapolis ProtestsGeorge FloydAccessDefamationLeak InvestigationsJamal KhashoggiBordersReporters in DangerSearches and SeizuresAg-gag lawsJohn BorgerSilha Bulletin Winter/Spring 2020Newsletter or Bulletin