Meyer, Nathan, J.Meyer, Rebecca, L.2022-08-222022-08-222006Meyer, N.J. & Meyer, R.L. (2006). Building Environmental Youth Leadership: A High-School Service-Learning Curriculum. Regents of the University of Minnesota. Building Environmental Youth Leadership Team curriculum was made possible, in part, through funding from Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program. The guide first defines and details key components of the service learning process. Subsequent lesson plans describe how to help groups of high-school-aged youth develop teamwork and a service mission, logistical plans, and actions to accomplish their service mission. These lessons were developed and piloted by Extension educators over the course of two years working in collaboration with youth and staff from the Northern Pines Girl Scout Council and Duluth ISD 709.enextensionyouth developmentservice learningenvironmental educationBuilding Environmental Youth Leadership: A High-school Service-learning CurriculumBook