Arendale, David2019-07-142019-07-142010Arendale, D. R. (2010). What is a best education practice? Unpublished manuscript. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.24683.49442 Available from“Best education practices” is one of the most important, misunderstood, and misused concepts in education. I have been working with others for nearly two decades regarding the identification, validation, and dissemination of these practices. I define Best Education Practices as a wide range of individual activities, policies, and programmatic approaches to achieve positive changes in student attitudes or academic behaviors. This umbrella term encompasses the following categories that differ on the level of evidence supporting desired student or institutional outcomes: promising, validated, and exemplary.enbest practices in educationbest practiceseducational research and evaluationfidelity of implementationhigher and postsecondary educationtertiary educationpedagogyprogram evaluationprogram implementationstudent achievementteaching methodsWhat is a best education practice?Preprint10.13140/RG.2.2.24683.49442