Buckman, Robert E.Schneider, Arthur E.2010-01-072010-01-071952-07-15Buckmand, R.E. and Schneider, A.E., (1952), "Regeneration Following Cutting in Black Spruce Swamps", Minnesota Forestry Notes 3, School of Forestry, University of Minnesota0099-4332https://hdl.handle.net/11299/56252Published as Sci. Jour. Ser. Paper No. 2871 of the Univ. of Minn. Agr. Exp. Sta.The study from which the following data were derived was concerned with the status of restocking following cutting in black spruce swamps. The following tables and conclusions are based upon examinations of 2900 mil-acre quadrats in Koochiching County. Data are grouped into three site classes and four categories of residual stand basal area.en-USforests and forestryMinnesotaresearchRegeneration Following Cutting in Black Spruce SwampsReport