Lawrenz, FrancesPaller, Mark S.2007-07-112007-07-112006-03-27 these two documents (preliminary report and executive summary), the task force makes recommendations in several areas, to further their mission: "To create a plan to identify and promote interdisciplinary, interprofessional, interscholastic, and inter-institutional partnerships/programs/activities, consistent with the University’s goal to become one of the top three public research universities in the world.The University must: • enhance the value of collaborative research and foster a culture in which it can flourish • provide incentives and recognition for collaborative work • develop mechanisms for bringing scholars together to promote the synergy provided by collaborative work • develop, recruit, retain, and provide opportunities for highly talented researchers to lead and administer important collaborative projects • support educational and training opportunities to make collaborative research understood and accessible to all participants • publicize internally and externally the important findings and outcomes of collaborative worken-UScollaborativeinterdisciplinaryresearchTransforming the University: Preliminary Recommendations of the Task Force on Collaborative ResearchReport