Anderson, Alvin G.Anderson, David J.2011-08-312011-08-311968-08 Foothill Feeder Project of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California consists of a large tunnel which incorporates various types of head control structures as well as other appurtenant structures. Each structure was designed to serve a prescribed function at a particular location. Since the functions were rather similar in nature, that is, to provide a differential head through the structure, the designs were of necessity also somewhat similar. This is particularly true of the San Dimas Reservoir Turnout Structure and the Morris Reservoir Turnout Structure. Detailed experiments were carried out with regard to the operation of the Morris Reservoir Turnout Structure so that some rough projections could be made as to the operation of the San Dimas Structure based upon these experimental results. It should be quite clear, however, that a detailed knowledge of the operating characteristics of the San Dimas Reservoir Turnout Structure can only be obtained by a model study an which all of the geometrical details are incorporated into the model and which is operated in accordance with the proposed operating scheme of the prototype.en-USModel Studies-Foothill Feeder Project, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Part IV. San Dimas Reservoir Turnout StructureReport