Water Resources Research Center2010-07-192010-07-191974-07Water Resources Research Center. 1974. Tenth Annual Report Water Resources Research Center.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/92086The fiscal year budget of the Center was $441,680. The Center supported 16 research projects involving 15 faculty members. These research projects were concerned with: monitoring the effects of stopping the flow of sewage on the productivity of Lake Minnetonka; determining whether optimum levels of investigations can be set for such groundwater reservoirs as the Twin Cities Artesian basin; developing a water resources research plan for Minnesota; developing indices for establishing water supply quality status and trends in Minnesota; analyses of organic carbon as a pollution index in Minnesota; spatial variation in the perception of water resources and water problems in South Central Minnesota; estimating thermal pollution and increased nitrate and phosphate levels associated with alternative forest management systems in Minnesota; delineating the more immediate and crucial sets of water and related land resources planning policy alternative being considered by the people of Minnesota; determining the feasibility of utilizing irrigation and groundwater recharge as means for disposal of heated water from power plants in Minnesota; the role of scientist-technician in water policy decisions at the community level; spatial and temporal variation of precipitation in Minnesota; forecasting rainfall and snowmelt floods; determining the geochemical and biostratigraphic record of natural and pollutional eutrophication of Minnesota lakes; bio-manipulation of Minnesota lakes for elimination of blue-green algae; determining the thermal pollution and second trophic level fauna in Lake Superior; and inventorying computer programs and simulation models in water resources. About 49 students received employment through the Center's program. During fiscal year 1974, there were 39 reports generated through research projects.en-USresearchwater resourcesminnesotaeducationprojectsexpenditures manpowerwater managementwater pollutionwater resources research actTenth Annual Report Water Resources Research CenterNewsletter or Bulletin