Leebaw, DanyaLogsdon, Alexis2021-08-142021-08-142021-08-14https://hdl.handle.net/11299/223079The files in the dataset include a CSV file with survey responses, a codebook in both PDF and TXT formats, a TXT file that contains the survey questions, a TXT file that contains open ended comments provided by some of the survey respondents, and a readme file.The data is a spreadsheet downloaded from survey responses in Qualtrics. The authors surveyed academic librarians about their attitudes toward and experiences with academic freedom in their workplaces. Of the nearly 750 people who began the survey, just under 600 qualified for the survey as current academic library employees who gave their consent to the survey. The authors have only included the survey data for this subset of respondents. Also included is a set of comments made in an optional free-text field at the end of the survey. They are presented separate from their authors’ survey responses to ensure anonymity.CC0 1.0 Universalhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/Academic FreedomLibrariansFreedom of ExpressionAcademic Librarians and Academic Freedom Survey DataDatasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/fk5t-6h30