Koenen, FrankLundin, JoeScotty, Suzy2019-08-222019-08-222019https://hdl.handle.net/11299/206446Report, presentation, and poster completed by students enrolled in GEOG 5564: Urban Geographic Information Science and Analysis, taught by Dr. Ying Song in spring 2019.This project was completed as part of the 2018-2019 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with Ramsey County. The mission of Ramsey County's Workforce Solutions (WFS) program is to strengthen the economic success of the community through personalized and effective workforce development. It serves as a resource for job seekers by providing training opportunities and personalized assistance in searching and applying for jobs. WFS staff know there are many program participants who experience transportation barriers that prevent them from accessing or keeping jobs. Ramsey County project lead Max Holdhusen worked with a team of students in GEOG 5564: Urban Geographic Information Science and Analysis, taught by Dr. Ying Song, to build an accessibility index for Ramsey County employers, with the goal of identifying potential transportation barriers and accessibility issues for workers in relation to employers and available jobs in the county. The students' final report, presentation, and a poster summarizing the project are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentRamsey County Projects, 2018-2019Service Area Accessibility for Workers in Ramsey CountyPresentation