University of Minnesota. Confucius Institute2014-12-082017-04-142014-12-082017-04-142014 come from the 12 colleges of Capital Normal University, Beijing, China. The troupe is counted as one of the best college student troupes alongside Beijing. On its first visit to the U.S., the troupe is making stops in Duluth, Minneapolis, Crookston and Buffalo City, visiting Confucius Institutes at University of Buffalo, University of Minnesota and its satellite offices. “Colorful China” opens with Chinese folk dance and ends with Chinese Traditional instrument Orchestra. Combining Cucurbit Flute, Bamboo Flute, two-string Chinese violin, dulcimer, lute, Pipa, Chinese Drum and others, the performance will be like a grand banquet of Chinese Folk Arts.The first file attached to this record (Confucius Intitute Poster Sept2014UMN Duluth office.pdf) is a poster; the second file (Confucius Institute playbill 29Sept2014Duluth Office.pdf) is a playbill with more detailed information about the event.en-USPostersPerformancesUniversity of Minnesota DuluthColorful China: Grand Banquet of Chinese Folk Arts (2014-09-29)Other