Marston, John2019-09-202019-09-201987M1093 1987 annotated bibliography of books and journals about Cambodia and Cambodians is intended as a reference tool for people working with Cambodian refugees in the United States. Entries are divided into seventeen broad subject categories. The largest number of entries deal with the recent history of Cambodia. Other entries include general works on Cambodia, ethnography, antiquities, other arts and culture, Cambodian literature and literature about Cambodia, language and dictionaries, refugees in Thailand, Cambodians in countries of resettlement, and bibliographies. Most entries are annotated to give the reader a brief picture of each work cited and the book includes both an author index and a subject index.enbibliographyCambodiahistoryKhmerrefugeesSoutheast Asian Refugee Studies (SARS) ProjectSoutheast AsiansAnnotated Bibliography of Cambodia and Cambodian Refugees.Report