Reynhout, KennethMichalopoulos, PanosSullivan, MikeSiagian, Alexander2013-08-052013-08-051997-12 and other related research have two primary objectives: 1. To develop practical operational tools which can be deployed for use in traffic-management and transportationsplanning activities. 2. To develop a laboratory infrastructure which will facilitate future advances in traffic modeling and other ITS initiatives. The objectives of this particular research project are as follows: * A thorough examination and documentation of the 1-394 system's specifications. * Diagnosis of the working condition of the 1-394 system. * Negotiation and implementation of a repair plan * Establishing a communications connection between the ITS Lab and the Traffic Management Center (TMC). * Activation of the 1-394 Lab, which will include a user's guide that describes the steps a user should take to access video, make a connection to the TMC and the 1-394 system, and configure the system for traffic detection and data collection. A completed 1-394 Lab would be a unique and valuable tool for obtaining information that loop-detectors have been unable to supply. This information includes flow dynamics, incident behavior, capacity, and other traffic-flow characteristics. This information is vital for fine tuning operational tools and schemes to be deployed in a future TMC, and will also provide an information foundation for future research and development.en-USITS InstituteTraffic managementTransportation planningActivation of the I-394 Laboratory for ITS Operational Testing: Phase IReport