Boerschinger, Olivia2019-08-302019-08-302018 completed by student enrolled in PA 5512: Workforce & Economic Development, taught by Neal Young in Fall 2018.This project was completed as part of a year-long partnership between Scott County and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( The goal of this project was to identify successful models of Employer-Assisted Housing (EAH) programs and provide recommendations for Scott County staff and leadership in implementation of an EAH program. Scott County project lead Julie Siegert collaborated with Olivia Boerschinger, a student in Neal Young’s course PA 5512, to analyze successful implementation mechanisms of EAH and outline case studies to develop best practices that are applicable to Scott County. A final student report is available.enScott County Projects, 2018-2019sustainabilitylocal governmentFostering Employer-Assisted Workforce HousingReport