Aldenderfer, Mark S.Blashfield, Roger K.2011-01-282011-01-281978Aldenderfer, Mark S & Blashfield, Roger K. (1978). Computer programs for performing hierarchical cluster analysis. Applied Psychological Measurement, 2, 405-413. doi:10.1177/014662167800200315doi:10.1177/014662167800200315 paper analyzes the versatility of 10 different popular programs which contain hierarchical methods of cluster analysis. The intent of the paper is to provide users with information which can be of assistance when choosing a cluster analysis program. The four dimensions which are emphasized when discussing these programs are (1) agglomeration vs. division, (2) linkage form, (3) similarity measure, and (4) hierarchical solution vs. single-rank.enComputer programs for performing hierarchical cluster analysisArticle