2013-05-312013-05-312000-04Nature, society, and thought, Vol. 13, No. 2 (April 2000)0890-6130https://hdl.handle.net/11299/149996OBITUARIES: In Memoriam: Dirk Struik (1894–2000). In Memoriam: Howard L. Parsons (1918–2000). ARTICLES: Charles Reavis Price, Political and Radical Aspects of the Rastafarian Movement in Jamaica. Erna Bennett, Time for a Change in Public Education, but What Change? MARXIST FORUM: Erwin Marquit, Symposia in China on Socialism and Marxism in the Twenty-First Century. Li Tieying, Opening Remarks to the International Symposium on Marxist Philosophy and the Twenty-First Century. Hu Xinhe and Jin Wulun, Marxist Philosophy and the Development of Science and Technology. Wadi’h Halabi, The Material Basis for Revolutionary Optimism. Minoru Kitamura, Constructing a Paradigm for Sustainable Development. BOOKS AND IDEAS by Herbert Aptheker. BOOK REVIEW: Eric R. Jackson, Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams and the Roots of Black Power, by Timothy B. Tyson. ABSTRACTS OF ARTICLES (in English and French).enNature, society, and thought: a journal of dialectical and historical materialism, Volume 13, Number 2 (April 2000)NSTNewsletter or Bulletin