Eck, Daniel JShaw, Ruth GGeyer, Charles JKingsolver, Joel G2015-07-062015-05-142015-07-062015-05-14 data for the analysis are in the R object hornworm in the R package aster2, which is a CRAN package. This dataset was created from Msexta.Aster.csv, originally collected by Kingsolver, Diamond, Seiter, & Higgins (2012). Metadata for the hornworm and Msexta.Aster.csv datafiles can be found in documentation for the package; help(hornworm, package="aster2"). Instructions for compiling the source file to produce the technical report can be found in the README.txt file. An appendix of this technical report shows how this R object of class "asterdata" was created from the raw data, a comma separated values (CSV) file. In the aster2 hornworm data: The "id" variable gives the identification number of the Manduca sexta; this variable is unimportant in the analysis. The "resp" variable is short for response vector and it contains all of the realized response variables for every node in the aster graph for every individual. We obtain estimates of parameters using "resp" and compare different aster models using "resp".This technical report (TR) gives details of the data analysis backing up a paper having the same authors as this TR and having the title that is quoted in the title of this TR. It uses the R package knitr to process its source file (Rnw file) containing LaTex and R, so that all R that appears in this document is not cut-and-pasted but actually run and actually produces the results that it appears to produce. This document reproduces all tables and figures from the paper and hence the entire data analysis reported in the paper.enAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States Data Analysis for "An Integrated Analysis of Phenotypic Selection on Insect Body Size and Development Time"Dataset