Finnegan, JohnToben Nelson2023-10-192023-10-192007-12-10 1:30 minutesThis resource is provided for informational purposes only and may not reflect current scientific knowledge or medical recommendations.Welcome to Public Health Moment from the University of Minnesota. The Upper Midwest has some of the highest rates of binge drinking in the United States. The tragic death of 21-year-old Mankato woman is the most recent example. Toben Nelson, a University of Minnesota epidemiologist, has advice for parents. <Clip: “Binge drinking and drinking among underage children…experience alcohol-related problems.”> Nelson believes that lawmakers also have a role. For example, he says that research has shown that increasing the tax on alcohol products would be an effective way to reduce underage drinking. <clip: “Right now there is very little political will…at the community or at the state level.”> With another Public Health Moment, I’m John Finnegan.enBinge DrinkingAudio