Liu, MengzhenJiang, YuWedow, RobbeeLi, YueBrazel, David MChen, FangDatta, GargiDavila-Velderrain, JoseMcGuire, DanielTian, ChaoZhan, Xiaowei23andMe Research TeamHUNT All-In PsychiatryChoquet, HélèneDocherty, Anna RFaul, Jessica DFoerster, Johanna RFritsche, Lars GGabrielsen, Maiken ElvestadGordon, Scott DHaessler, JeffreyHottenga, Jouke-JanHuang, HongyanJang, Seon-KyeongJansen, Philip RLing, YuehMägi, ReedikMatoba, NanaMcMahon, GeorgeMulas, AntonellaOrrù, ValeriaPalviainen, TeemuPandit, AnitaReginsson, Gunnar W, Skogholt, Anne HeidiSmith, Jennifer ATaylor, Amy ETurman, ConstanceWillemsen, GonnekeYoung, HannahYoung, Kendra AZajac, Gregory J MZhao, WeiZhou, WeiBjornsdottir, GydaBoardman, Jason DBoehnke, MichaelBoomsma, Dorret IChen, ChuCucca, FrancescoDavies, Gareth EEaton, Charles BEhringer, Marissa AEsko, TõnuFiorillo, EdoardoGillespie, Nathan AGudbjartsson, Daniel FHaller, ToomasHarris, Kathleen MullanHeath, Andrew CHewitt, John KHickie, Ian BHokanson, John EHopfer, Christian JHunter, David JIacono, William GJohnson, Eric OKamatani, YoichiroKardia, Sharon L. RKeller, Matthew CKellis, ManolisKooperberg, CharlesKraft, PeterKrauter, Kenneth SLaakso, MarkkuLind, Penelope ALoukola, AnuLutz, Sharon MMadden, Pamela A FMartin, Nicholas GMcGue, MattMcQueen, Matthew BMedland, Sarah EMetspalu, AndresMohlke, Karen LNielsen, Jonas BOkada, YukinoriPeters, UlrikePolderman, Tinca J CPosthuma, DanielleReiner, Alexander PRice, John PRimm, EricRose, Richard JRunarsdottir, ValgerdurStallings, Michael CStančáková, AlenaStefansson, HreinnThai, Khanh KTindle, Hilary ATyrfingsson, ThorarinnWall, Tamara LWeir, David RWeisner, ConstanceWhitfield, John BWinsvold, Bendik SlagsvoldYin, JieZuccolo, LuisaBierut, Laura JHveem, KristianLee, James JMunafò, Marcus RSaccone, Nancy LWiller, Cristen JCornelis, Marilyn CDavid, Sean PHinds, David AJorgenson, EricKaprio, JaakkoStitzel, Jerry AStefansson, KariThorgeirsson, Thorgeir EAbecasis, GonçaloLiu Dajiang JVrieze Scott2019-06-282019-01-162019-06-282019-01-16 include summary statistics for associations with each phenotype: Drinks per week, Cigarettes per day, Smoking initiation, Smoking cessation, and Age of initiation. Details for each file can be found in the readme file or in the article's Supplementary Text.We conducted a meta-analysis of over 30 genome wide association studies (GWAS) in over 1.2 million participants with European ancestry on nicotine and substance use. Specifically, we targeted different stages and kinds of substance use from initiation (smoking initiation and age of regular smoking initiation) to regular use (drinks per week and cigarettes per day) to cessation (smoking cessation). The GWAS included have all been imputed to Haplotype Reference Consortium, 1000 Genomes or a combination including more specific reference panels. The studies are then meta-analyzed using sample size, allele frequencies and the imputation quality score as weight. Here we present the final set of filtered meta-analysis summary statistics as presented in the paper ( excluding 23andMe. As per requirement and to ease dissemination of our results for other scientific endeavors, we are sharing our results here to facilitate downloading.CC0 1.0 Universal UseHuman GenomicsMeta-analysisGenome Wide Association StudiesNicotine UseAlcohol UseData Related to Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol useDataset